Description: Themes: Pier Luigi Nervi's use of rib-patterned shells; Pre-cast concrete elments and ferrocement in Nervi's structures.
Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Describe Nervi's aesthetic and its connection to his Italian heritage; Define the construction methods developed by Nervi that made his shells feasible and economical; Identify his significant structures (Florence Municipal Stadium, Turin Exhibition Hall, Little Sports Palace, Large Sports Palace, Flaminio Stadium); Explain how the different structural elements in the Little Sports Palace (ribs, buttresses, tension ring) transfer the forces in the structure.
Keywords: /*-->*/ reinforced concrete, ferrocement, Nervi, vault construction, ribbed pattern
Categories: Structural Engineering, Princeton University, Vaults
Teaching Materials
- Lecture and Outline
- Structural Studies
- Active Learning
Additional Resources
- Online Courses
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